Fire Insurance

Fight back, Stay Ready

A small incident can have a big impact. Fire & Special Perils Insurance empowers you to be prepared

A tiny spark, meets you full proof

A single spark from a faulty appliance can turn the home and business you built from scratch to ash. We make sure that you can build everything back up when disaster strikes.

Comprehensive protection 
against a range of threats

Fire Damage

Our core coverage protects your buildings, contents, and more from the devastating effects of fire.

Beyond the Flames

We understand fire isn’t the only threat. Our policy extends to cover losses caused by floods, burst pipes, storms, riots, and even 
malicious damage.

Safeguard Your Investments

Whether it’s your home, office equipment, or stock-in-trade, Fire & Special Perils Insurance ensures you can recover financially if the unforeseen occurs.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Secure your tomorrow, today.

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Here is what you need to know about Fire Insurance

  • The value of the property insured
  • The nature of the business and of the construction.
  • Location of the premises
  • Loss of rent following a fire
  • A basic fire policy covers damage or destruction to property by fire, lighting, or other domestic explosions.
  • Yes, so long as the damage is as a result of fire and your policy covers the contents of the house.
  • Fire, lightning and limited explosions
  • Natural disasters such as earthquakes, and floods
  • Malicious damage
  • Spontaneous combustion
  • Escape of water from any tanks or water storage apparatus
  • Yes, you can.
  • Yes, you can make a debit standing order to make payments to our bank account.
  • No, your policy is not transferable.
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